Slacker Sunday

I dub today Slacker Sunday because as I look back at my day I feel I must admit I did nothing useful until about 5 this evening. All day I have been laying around without any thought of moving, nor any real desire to move. Rather puzzled by my attitude my fiance decided to go running, which for some reason upset me immensely. After he left I was forced to consider the implications of my anger and realized that I was upset because I was being slothful and a rather large brat. I decided that I could either stay grumpy and make everyone miserable, or do something about it.

I chose the later option and went for a run with my Father as a sort of second Father's day gift (the first being one of his favorite books). I must say, running improved my mood immensely and motivated me to actually start getting things rolling.

I unpacked and repacked some of the pieces that I used at the Art and Wine Walk (which by the way went fabulously well!!! I'll write more on it below) and submitted some photo orders. I also started a ledger to keep track of my photographically related spending. While it may not sound like much, I am quite pleased with my work thus far. :)

On the topic of the Art and Wine Walk: I had a blast! The Moo-cards were a huge hit and I got some really positive feedback on my work. Of course, I learned a lot about what I can improve for next time, but overall I am very pleased by the event. I hope that those of you in the area will come to the one in July, since I know that many of you worked during this one.

I hope you all had amazing weekends and great Father's Days!!!

Oh, also, I did an impromptu shoot with Brianna Friday morning and below is one of the images we captured! 

Well I must go eat now!!! 
<3 you all! 

Happy Tuesday!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Tuesday! My eyes are feeling much better (for those of you who were not aware, I had a horrid eye infection last week)! To celebrate I am sharing a picture of one of my fellow choir-members from our trip to Europe! Isn't she just lovely?

I'm crazy busy this week, but Easter is just around the corner, so there is hope for some catch-up time!!!

Added a surprise Wednesday image from Europe :D Love this one so much :)

P.S. a little birdie says that there is a good chance that I will be in the Grand Forks Summer Art and Wine Walk in June :)  Will tell you more when I know more! :D
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Have A Little Faith

Relationships are built on trust. On understanding and committing to growing as a couple together. There is no guarantee that the relationship will work, no crystal ball to look into and find answers. It requires hard work, commitment, a lot of love and patience, and sometimes just a little faith.

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me throughout the years, especially these last few as I began to tinker with photography. I could not have found the strength to continue without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

On a totally unrelated note, my shoot on Sunday went pretty well. The weather hated us, but we pushed through and I got some really lovely shots. I can't wait to finish editing them! Until then, here is a fun outtake from the shoot.