Shauni the Lioness

Hello Dear Readers!

I have missed you all very much! I apologize for my lack of posting in recent months, to be honest I have been swamped with school, work, and (of course) planning my wedding. However, I do have some lovely images to share with you today!! A few weeks ago I met up with a local model and fellow photographer named Shauni (Check out her photography here) and I must say that she was a joy to work with! She took direction well, and used her own knowledge of the camera to help create great angles and lovely lighting! I love her face, I think it is really interesting and different. She reminds me of a lioness, hence the title of this post. :)

Isn't she just lovely? The dress was a vintage find and the jacket was Shauni's own. She did her own makeup and styling as well. I can't wait to share more of these fabulous images!!! Happy Cyber Monday everyone!! Hope you have a great start to your week!!

<3 AK

Fall Back

Hello lovely readers,

As some of you may know, I love fall. I love the smell and the leaves and the warm days with cooler nights. I also love the changing of the seasons, and this love prompted me to do a shoot almost two years ago dealing with the struggle between nature and the city within mankind.  The image below is one of the resulting pictures.

Well pleased with this shoots success, the idea struck me to do a sister shoot, one that involved the opposite theme, with the back being a tree with all four seasons and the background being a mix of the woods and the city. For almost two years I searched for a model willing to work with the concept and an artist talented enough to produce my brain-child, and then along came Victoria and Shandi, two talented young ladies who were open the idea and excited beyond belief to make it happen.  Below are a few of the images from this shoot.

I can't even begin to tell you how pleased I am with Shandi's work and Victoria's dedication. I would never have been able to fulfill this dream of mine without you two. <3 If you two are reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy Friday dear Reader,

Fantabulous Friday

The kindness of people astounds me. I am constantly thankful and grateful for the love and support I have been given. It is your kindness, dear reader, that renews my hope in this world and challenges me to become a better photographer as well as a better person. Thank you so much for your support, for your continuing kindness, and for your faith in me and in my work.  Every time someone says something evil, rude, and cruel I know that I can look to you for a renewal of faith.

Recently I have been forced to notice the mindless cruelty that lies within so many people in society today. Male, female, it doesn't seem to matter. The values of decency and of selflessness sometimes seem to have disappeared from the hearts of so many, it leaves me feeling groundless and a little lost. I can't even fathom the mindset that the harsh words and thoughtless actions belong too, and every time I encounter it, it leaves me feeling breathless, as if someone sucker-punched me and left me lying on the ground gasping for air.

However, it is that cruelty that reminds me how grateful I am for the kindness I find in most people. It strengthens my resolve to improve my own faults, and reminds me how my follies affect those around me. I am not perfect, I am flawed, bent, a little wild, but I am trying. I don't think it is bad to want to be kind to those around you. I don't think it is wrong to search for good, to desire to incorporate kindness and love into your life. I adore you, my lovely readers, and I need your support now more than ever. Please remember that I appreciate every single one of you, and I truly mean it when I say that I hope you all have had fabulous Fridays.