Honesty: Self-portrait Work

Hello my lovely readers,

I hope, as always, that this post finds you happy and healthy. For today's post I am just going to keep it simple. The photos below were taken without expectations. I just needed to express what I was feeling, so I grabbed Icarus and sat in my house, in my pajamas, and took these photos. The result is, I think, a much more honest portrait of what I was feeling when these were taken. I don't particularly like doing self-portrait work, but I think, at least in this instance, it helped me understand myself a little better.

 Also, I ordered a whole ton of new books, which arrived this week! I am so beyond jazzed! I adore books, for those of you who don't know, and will most likely be spending a lot of my break devouring the written word. Below is a quote from one of my new books which I just finished this evening. I thought that it was appropriate for this set of photos.

"It may well be that we can never fully adapt to our own deformities."
-"Norwegian Wood" Haruki Murakami

Hope you all have fabulous rest of your weeks!!


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Winter Wonderland

Hello my lovely readers,

I hope that February has caught you all happily preparing for Valentines day (whether that means you are spending the day with your loved one or if you are planning on mocking the cute couples with your other single friends)! As some of you may know, it is my birthday on the 13th!! So, since I am always a fan of giving gifts more than receiving them, here is a lovely blogpost featuring the pictures from the cold and misty mornings that occurred within the past few weeks. :D

Grow. Live. Explore.

Even when a blanket of snow covers the world and a bitter wind steals warmth from your bones, there is magic within this world for those who seek it.

<3 AK